0 doctors told what signs may indicate the lack of intimate life in women. This is usually affected by the health and appearance of the...
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Experienced gardeners told how to increase the blueberry crop
0 You can get a stunning blueberry harvest, following the recommendations of experienced gardeners. If done correctly, the berries will...
5 signs of a possible stroke require a rapid treatment for help
0 one of the preference signsAbout 87% of strokes occur when the blood flow is blocked through the artery that supplies oxygen -rich blood...
Known drug for bowel disease can cause cancer
0 A group of scientists from Dandy University, the University of London of Queen Maria and the Senger Institute of Senger. These are...
How to sleep properly: 5 important things that are in vain ignored
0 fall asleep and sleep, wake up. They may well become a reality if you know simple rules. quality sleep is very important for human...
Refusal to these foods increases the risk of dementia three times
1 Senior dementia is a neurodegenerative disease accompanied by memory loss and cognitive. The absence of anti -inflammatory products in...
Oncologist: lung cancer is most often asymptomatic
0 Andriy Pilov, Chief Doctor of the European Oncology and Surgery, named the main signs of the puppies. The insidiousness of the disease...
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Grandma recipe for root salad
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Which plants will help expel mice out of your garden
0 Scientists say any creatures are needed in nature to balance its natural systems. Let them be right, but we are sure that without mice...
5 unusual ways to raise hemoglobin without medication
0 Hemoglobin level is an important indicator of body life. Reduced hemoglobin is weakness, lack of nutrition of the body's cells. And...