11 foods that are considered harmful, but are not
Quite often in various television programs, doctors and other experts claim that there are some foods that are harmful to human health. But in fact, when studying the composition of such products, these myths can be debunked, since the products do not cause any harm to human health. In some cases, they even bring benefits, and are also considered optimal for consumption while a person is on a diet.
Fatty foods
Such food is represented not only by pasta in sunflower oil, but also by products such as avocado or olive oil. Nutritionists assure that these foods lead to weight gain, but they are mistaken. If you consume them in limited quantities, it will not negatively affect your figure in any way.
The study was conducted over several years. In the process, about 6 thousand people died, and more than 5 thousand people suffered from various heart diseases.
The results were surprising because the risk of heart disease was higher in people who ate carbohydrates, not fatty foods. Therefore, diets that involve eating a lot of fat cannot lead to heart attacks or other negative consequences. If you eat a lot of carbohydrates, it can cause heart disease.
Scientists say that based on this study, nutritionists around the world should reconsider their views on fat consumption.
There is a certain myth surrounding gluten. It consists in the fact that the less gluten a person consumes, the healthier he will be. But in fact, this product is not dangerous for healthy people. Only people with celiac disease should avoid it. This hereditary disease consists in gluten intolerance.
Other people can eat products containing this component without any problems or fears.
Chicken eggs
Many nutritionists from different countries of the world claim that people who want to lose weight should give up eggs. In addition, such a decision should be made by people suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since eggs contain a lot of cholesterol. In fact, this statement is a real myth.
The fact is that even if one egg contains a lot of cholesterol, this will not lead to an increase in cholesterol in a person's blood. Relevant studies conducted on rabbits have confirmed this statement. Therefore, if a person wants to eat eggs, he should not deny himself this desire.
According to many inexperienced and unprofessional nutritionists and doctors, caffeine is the main cause of poor health and stunted growth.
In fact, this is an incorrect statement. The Mayo Clinic conducted a study, which found that any person can take up to 400 mg of caffeine per day. In this case, no harm will be done to health.
A standard cup of coffee contains a maximum of 120 mg, so it is advisable to limit yourself to 3 cups of coffee per day.
Soda water
Soda water is a very popular product. It can be sweet or mineral, and manufacturers also produce water in different colors and flavors. There is a myth that the bubbles contained in such water are the cause of kidney stones. In addition, they leach calcium from bones and destroy tooth enamel.
The above statements are false, since the liquid containing bubbles is as simple and safe as ordinary drinking water. Experienced nutritionists say that bubbles appear as a result of carbon dioxide dissolving in water. It is in this case that carbonic acid is created.
When forming bubbles, you do not need to add sugar, caffeine or other components to the water. Therefore, if you buy mineral carbonated water, you can drink this liquid without any concerns.
Some hosts of various unverified television programs claim that cheese is a dangerous product to consume. It is supposedly addictive.
In fact, this idea is a common myth. Scientists often conduct various studies, the main goal of which is to identify the benefits of consuming a particular product.
Cheese is a high-calorie product that is used in pizza or when creating fast food, so if a person is watching his figure or wants to lose a few extra pounds, then it is really better for him to reduce the amount of cheese consumed. However, there is no evidence to confirm that cheese can be addictive.
Artificial sweeteners
Quite often people hear the opinion that various sweeteners that replace regular sugar can cause cancer.
This opinion is erroneous, since various government agencies conduct numerous studies of artificial sweeteners. They are used by people who have diabetes or want to lose weight. Sucralose, aspartame, saccharin and other sweeteners do not have any harmful components, so they simply cannot cause the formation of malignant tumors. They are absolutely safe if consumed daily in small amounts.
But some studies suggest that such sweeteners cannot reduce cravings for sweets, and they can also affect the bacteria contained in the intestines. Therefore, in any case, they should be consumed only in moderate quantities.
Genetically modified organisms
Many people are convinced that they cause cancer and harm nature.
But studies conducted by various scientists confirm that GMOs cannot cause significant harm to human health or the environment.
Excessive salt consumption can lead to weight gain and heart problems. This statement is a standard myth, since even if a person eats oversalted foods, this will not affect his health in any way.
Therefore, even if a person adheres to a diet, one should not give up salt.
These include rice, bread, and potatoes. Some nutritionists claim that these products are the cause of excess weight.
But in fact, not all carbohydrates are harmful. A large amount of carbohydrates is found in vegetables and fruits, which are useful for any organism. In addition, one should not give up eating potatoes, which contain many vitamins.
Some people believe that fish contains a lot of mercury, so its consumption negatively affects human health. But in fact, only large fish, for example, sharks, contain a high content of mercury. Small fish that are consumed by humans are safe.
Therefore, there are numerous foods that, according to laypeople, are harmful or dangerous to humans. But such statements are common myths, so people should be well-informed about which foods are beneficial or dangerous.
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