3 “natural” methods for controlling aphids
Aphids are a dangerous pest that can cause serious damage to berries. If you do not start fighting them at the first signs of aphids on strawberries, you can lose the crop altogether.
You do not always want to use specialized preparations, because chemicals do not have the best effect on health, and they also have the ability to accumulate in the soil. However, there are natural methods that allow you to overcome aphids. What are they?
This substance can be both a fertilizer and a pest repellent. To protect against aphids, you need to sift a glass of wood ash, pour it into 10 liters of water. Then you just need to spray the plantings.
First, you need to take a liter of water and heat it. After that, pour in a large spoonful of mustard powder. It is important to wait for complete dissolution.
It is best to sift the resulting product, and then proceed to process the strawberries.
Laundry soap
This is also a very effective tool that will help to overcome the pest. You need to grate about a quarter of a piece of laundry soap and send it to a jar with a liter of water.
After the soap dissolves, you should cool the product. Then you should spray the plants.
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