3 unusual ways to lose weight with imagination
How do you feel when you realize it's time to lose a few pounds? Most likely, annoyance: because weight loss is inextricably linked with restrictions and prohibitions. Most people think so. But there are ways to get rid of excess weight with pleasure, using mechanisms that include compensatory forces of the body. In other words, exposing yourself to short-term and controllable stress. For example, from the cold or watching a horror movie. That is, when stress ends at the right time and does not leave a pathological trace.
How stress affects the body and why is it important to lose weight
In response to stress, the body produces hormones that regulate the activity of all organs and systems. So, when we feel danger, the body mobilizes under the influence of adrenaline. For example, a person, escaping from a bear, can literally fly up a tree and thus save himself. Such short-term stress, when a person emerges victorious, has a beneficial effect on the body. This type of stress is also called eustress. Some types of eustress can increase the energy needs of the body, and then fat begins to burn in the fire of metabolism, that is, metabolism. But if stress continues for a long time, and does not end even when the situation that caused it is resolved, then it leads to the opposite effect, exhaustion of the body and triggers the mechanisms of premature aging.
We are used to the fact that a sauna is a place where it is hot. But there is also a cryosauna – a special chamber where, with the help of liquid nitrogen, ultra-low temperatures are applied – in some cases below 150 degrees Celsius. Short-term – no more than 2 minutes, the cold exposure simulates a situation of short-term eustress with the aim of general recovery and inclusion of adaptation and self-healing mechanisms – those that worked when people obtained food by hunting, were forced to escape from predators. As a result of being in a cryosauna, extreme conditions are created on the surface of the skin. Vascular spasm occurs. When a person leaves the cryosauna, blood circulation increases, all metabolic processes are activated. Which requires energy. Clinics where such procedures are performed claim that calorie consumption increases by an additional 800 kcal per day. And they promise that in 10 sessions you can get rid of four kilograms of excess weight. A pleasant bonus will be the general strengthening of the body's resistance to infections and the improvement of the skin, as cell regeneration processes are enhanced. A similar, but not so powerful effect can be obtained by hardening, diving into a hole. But cryotherapy and hardening and walrusing have a number of contraindications. First of all, from the side of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you can start such procedures only after they have been approved by your therapist or cardiologist.
Extreme sports
Extreme sports work on the same principle of using short-term beneficial stress: skydiving, hang gliding, and so on. But not everyone can do such sports. A more accessible, but still quite adrenaline-pumping way to lose weight is playing paintball or airsoft. During one game, a person burns an average of 800 to 1000 kcal. But most importantly, playing “war” helps to get rid of negative emotions that we most often get stuck in. Another point: such games allow you to get rid of boredom, which is usually felt by a person who has been losing weight for more than three months. It is boredom that can make you break down or disrupt your plans to lose weight. New impressions, strong emotions will shake the nervous system, give you pleasure. During such games, the so-called hormones of happiness are actively produced – dopamine and serotonin. Just don't forget to wear knee and elbow pads, as well as a protective vest.
Watching horror movies
It turns out that watching a scary movie can burn as many calories as taking a short walk. This was found out by scientists at the University of Westminster. They measured the participants' heart rate, oxygen consumption, and some other parameters while they were at rest and watching horror movies. In the second case, it turned out that the subjects burned a third more energy.
The fact is that our brain reacts in about the same way to a real threat or a scary situation on the screen. Adrenaline is also released into the blood, the heart rate increases, and all metabolic reactions are intensified. Scientists even calculated how many kcal you burn when watching horror movies and made a rating.
- “The Shining”. If you watch this Stanley Kubrick film, based on the novel by Stephen King, you can burn 184 calories.
- “Jaws”. Watching this movie burns 161 calories.
- “The Exorcist”. It will expel 158 calories from the body.
- “Alien”. It will get rid of 152 calories.
- “Saw”. It will “saw off” 133 calories.
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