4 common habits that prevent you from losing weight
According to scientists, a person's metabolism partly depends on genetics and age. But another factor significantly affects it – daily habits. Some of them lead to a slowdown in metabolism.
So, experts note that the habit of having breakfast late can make metabolism slower. Experts believe that breakfast should be eaten within 30 minutes of waking up: the earlier, the better. The fact is that an early breakfast is especially effective in forcing the body to convert calories into energy and be active throughout the day.
Another bad habit for metabolism is eating a lot of carbohydrates for breakfast. To speed up metabolism, it is better to eat protein, so eggs are ideal for breakfast. Their protein requires more calories to be digested than, for example, eaten porridge.
If you drink little water, this also slows down metabolism. Without enough moisture, the cellular processes occurring in the body will slow down, which means that energy will no longer be actively produced from fat.
You also don't need to take long breaks between meals and starve. Reducing the amount of food plunges the body into a state of stress, in which the body begins to save accumulated fat, and spend the calories received on creating new fat reserves. For good metabolism, you need to eat enough and often, nutritionists emphasized.
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