4 popular foods that take too much energy from the body
You eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep, but you still constantly want to sleep well – the reason for this may be in your menu. If you avoid certain foods, you will have much more energy throughout the day.
Your energy level depends on your diet more than you think. In addition to your physical fitness and how well you sleep, your energy level is closely related to the food you eat.
Foods that eat up energy
Healthy food provides fuel for muscles, nerves and brain. On the other hand, if you eat wrongly, you will get tired quickly. The doctor tells you which foods you should exclude from your diet.
1. Processed meat
“Ham, sausage and bacon are stress for the body. It has to spend a lot of energy to digest smoked or dried meat,” says a nutritionist.
2. Too many carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are one of the most important sources of energy. But they should be complex, long-chain carbohydrates from whole grains and vegetables, not energy-sapping ones like white flour and processed sugar.
3. Stay away from alcohol
Not only does it deplete your body of energy, it also slows down fat burning.
“Alcohol also makes it harder to sleep at night, especially in the second half of the night, because then the residual alcohol in the blood has a stimulating effect.”
Alcoholic drinks also dehydrate the body, making you weaker.
4. Sugar and other sweets
Gummy bears, sodas, and other sugary foods and drinks have a myriad of negative effects on the body. White sugar, for example, makes you sluggish, weak, and sick.
Here's why food saps your energy
“After eating, blood is used in the digestive tract. That means less blood is pumped through your head. The more easily digestible your food is (lots of vegetables, protein, good whole-grain carbohydrates), the better off you'll be afterward.”
So you should eat a lot of plant-based foods and low-fat dairy products. This means your body has to work less to digest your food, and you won't sleep as much.
Less tiredness with proper nutrition
Eat healthy food. Eating regularly keeps your blood sugar levels steady.
“It all starts in the morning: a perfect breakfast consisting of complex carbohydrates, proteins and a small amount of fat – for example, oatmeal, berries, a few nuts and yogurt – is a good start to the day. Plus a cup of green tea, which gives you more strength and concentration,” says the nutritionist.
Exercise regularly: the more exercise, the better. You don’t have to become the best athlete, but every workout improves the energy supply of your cells. Sport makes you more attentive and productive in the long run – even outside the gym.
Pay attention to healthy sleep: if you can’t sleep well at night, you will inevitably sag at some point during the day. Adults usually need seven to eight hours of sleep for the body to function optimally.
Studies have shown that people with disturbed deep sleep are less able to learn. That’s why it’s important to devote enough time to healthy sleep. By the way: a 20-minute nap is allowed per day. This compensates for the energy deficit. “, – explains the doctor.
Wake up properly: wash your face with cold water or take a contrast shower in the morning to stimulate blood circulation. In addition, after waking up, enough light should enter the bedroom.
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