4 signs that your metabolism is not working properly
Do you want to lose weight, but don't want to lose extra pounds? Do you often feel tired? Maybe it's because of your metabolism.
Symptoms of impaired metabolism
1. You are constantly cold
When the temperature outside drops, many people feel the cold. But some people get frostbite – no matter how cold it is outside.
In particular, hands and feet often feel icy. This is a warning signal from the body. The body is working in the background. Producing heat is not a priority for survival.
The best antidote to this is exercise. Even if you may find it difficult to control yourself, take a short walk or go for a run. This stimulates blood circulation and makes you feel warmer.
2. You have dry skin
“Dry skin is a relatively normal phenomenon in the cold season. The cold air outside and the warm air from the heating inside remove moisture from the skin.”
However, if the skin becomes particularly rough and brittle, it can also be related to metabolism. Try to drink more water – a general rule of thumb is two liters a day. It speeds up the metabolism and also moisturizes the skin.
3. Your hair is falling out
“When the body is running on low power, the scalp and therefore the hair also receive less nutrition. The result can be hair loss and brittleness,” the doctor says.
But hair loss can have other causes. For example, some people suffer from genetic hair loss.
4. Do you always feel tired
Do you wake up in the morning and are already tired, struggling all morning until you fall into a severe daytime slump by 3 p.m. at the latest? This is a classic sign of a disturbed metabolism.
“You can stimulate your metabolism with short bouts of exercise, such as 15 minutes of yoga or a walk in the fresh air,” says the nutritionist.
Exercising during the day will also make you tired in the evening and make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Why is your metabolism inefficient?
Poor or insufficient sleep, too much stress, lack of rest, and one-sided and too little physical activity can lead to metabolic disorders.
How to rev up your metabolism?
Here are some things you can do to boost your metabolism:
Exercise, exercise, and more exercise. The best tip for boosting your metabolism is exercise. Whether you're doing an intense HIIT workout at home or relaxing with a light yoga sequence, the key is movement.
Stress management and recovery.For most people, stress is an integral part of everyday life and it is difficult to avoid it. However, try to relax regularly. Maybe set aside 15 minutes a day that will be just for you.
“Read a book, take a bath or do something else that gives you pleasure. The most important thing is that it relaxes you.”
Nutrient-rich foods. Provide your body with nutrient-rich foods and enough protein, because only then will your body be able to work at full capacity and also increase your metabolism.
Good sleep: sleep at least six to eight hours every night. In addition, you should monitor the quality of your sleep. This can significantly improve sleep and recovery.
“Carbohydrates in the evening cause fatigue and can have a positive effect on sleep.”
Get some fresh air: Spend at least half an hour outdoors every day in daylight. Even when the sun is not shining, the body absorbs vitamin D. Vitamin D and outdoor exercise have a positive effect on metabolism.
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