4 types of products can strengthen immunity and prolong life for years
0 < p>Vitamins, healthy fats and other nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of the body's immune system – all these can be provided by certain foods.
There are at least four types of foods, the use of which improves the body's ability to fight diseases by strengthening the immune system – the “side effect” of this is a more significant life expectancy.
Mushrooms.They are distinguished by a high content of beta-glucan, a type of fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microbes. Three types of mushrooms—reishi, shiitake, and maitake—are especially rich in beta-glucan, and can have a significant positive effect on the gut microbiome, which is closely related to the body's immune function. Some data show that their use is associated with a reduced susceptibility of the body to viral infections.
Colorful fruits and vegetables. The results of a large-scale 25-year study published by the journal Archives of Internal Medicine show : this type of products is valuable for its saturation with flavonoids. Consumption of these substances reduces the risk of mortality from coronary heart disease and cancer. Another study conducted in Germany found that healthcare workers who ate more fruits and vegetables were 20% less likely to catch colds. In addition, dietary fibers contained in fruits and vegetables prevent the development of colon cancer.
Products with vitamin C. This vitamin has confirmed in many scientific works its “friendship” with the immune system. system – it is known, for example, that its sufficient intake increases the body's resistance to cold viruses, and in case of infection, it helps to tolerate the disease more easily. Doctors note that if a person consumes enough products with vitamin C, it is not necessary to take supplements with it.
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