4 vitamins and minerals that help speed up metabolism
It is no secret that the metabolic rate in our body affects not only our appearance, but also our overall health. Its speed directly affects the digestion of food, energy production, and other vital processes and reactions, and it, in turn, can depend on a number of factors – sleep quality, genetics, age, lifestyle, level of physical activity, hormonal background, and nutrition. With impaired metabolism, our organs may not receive enough useful trace elements and energy, and fat deposition in the form of unwanted kilograms is far from the worst consequence.
Metabolism naturally slows down with age, but you can still influence its speed — for example, by including foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet. Baazar experts have told us in this article which vitamins can “stir up” your metabolism and help speed it up.
Vitamin D.The benefits of vitamin D, which is deficient in almost all residents of northern countries, can be talked about endlessly: it helps in the absorption of calcium, regulates hormonal levels and blood glucose levels, supports bone health and the functioning of our entire immune system as a whole, and reduces the risk of developing depression. Vitamin D can be obtained directly from sunlight, and in cloudy weather and in the cold months, look for it in natural products – for example, egg yolks, salmon and dairy products.
Magnesium. With a magnesium deficiency in the body, chemical reactions that are responsible, among other things, for energy production and metabolism slow down significantly. Magnesium is found, among other things, in: bananas, nuts, legumes, spinach, whole grains, potatoes and fish.
B vitaminsparticipate in the most important functions of the body – they help strengthen immunity, regulate cellular metabolism and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Foods high in B vitamins include seafood, eggs, dairy products, lean meat, red fish, brown rice, zucchini, nuts and seeds, bananas, apples and other fruits and vegetables. Remember that vitamins in this group work best in combination with each other, and a deficiency of just one of them can affect the others, which can subsequently lead to metabolic disorders.
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a natural antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of free radicals, slows down the aging process, stimulates the production of the main protein of youth, collagen, and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the metabolic process – in particular, it has a positive effect on protein, carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism. Vitamin C can be obtained from vegetables – spinach, cabbage, potatoes and peppers, berries (blackcurrants, strawberries, wild strawberries, chokeberry) and, of course, all citrus fruits.
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