5 alarming symptoms of a hidden intestinal disease that affects 20% of people
A doctor has warned about a condition that many people may ignore.
20 percent of the population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
While many people associate IBS with stomach cramps and an urgent need to go to the bathroom, there is much more to know about this condition.
Fatigue is a very common phenomenon. Between 50 and 60 percent of people with IBS experience it.
Because IBS causes inflammation in the body, people with IBS (whether they know they have the condition or not) may experience migraines.
Migraines, which affect about 30 percent of people with IBS, may be caused by changes in neurotransmitter levels, such as serotonin, caused by inflammation.
Those who experience more well-known IBS symptoms, such as bloating and diarrhea, may develop depression and anxiety.
“Depression and anxiety affect about 40 percent of people with IBS. The long-term and unpredictable nature of living with IBS symptoms can cause significant stress, feelings of isolation, frustration, and a significant reduction in quality of life.” Never knowing what you’re going to get when you eat, fearing you’ll never find the “cure,” self-imposed social isolation, and having to plan your routes around public restrooms all add a lot of inconvenience and stress to your life.“Although increased levels of inflammation and pain will affect both your brain chemistry and your ability to function normally,” the doctor explains.
Bladder problems can also be a sign of IBS, such as urinating more frequently and not feeling full.
Consider the limited space for all your organs in the pelvic and abdominal areas. When constipation causes stool to build up and excess gas causes the intestines to distend (leading to bloating and cramping), there’s not enough room.
The pressure on the bladder can trick the body into thinking it’s full when it’s not, leading to more frequent trips to the bathroom.
Symptoms of IBS:
- Fatigue
- Migraines
- Depression
- Anxiety
If you want to know how healthy (or unhealthy) your gut is, there are a number of diagnostic tests you can take.
For example, a microbiome test, which gives everyone the opportunity to take control of their gut health for the better.
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