5 disorders in the body that yawning can signal
Chronic fatigue, stress and more. Sometimes yawning can signal dangerous disorders occurring in the body.
Scientists note that yawning is a useful reflex that helps cool the brain and enhance cognitive activity. But experts also point to cases when yawning is a signal of danger.
Chronic fatigue.If you have been yawning more and more frequently lately, and this has been happening for several weeks, do not ignore this signal. Regular yawning may be a consequence of an increase in the blood level of the hormone cortisol, which occurs when a person is under prolonged stress. Irregular heartbeat, chest pain, rapid breathing, and headache may also be observed.
Heart disorders.Yawning can occur as a result of a decrease in blood pressure and a slowdown in heart rate, which indicate adverse processes in the heart and vascular system. It is worth checking if, along with yawning, such symptoms as shallow breathing, gait disturbance, nausea, chest pain appear.
Liver disorders. In liver diseases, hormonal imbalance and severe fatigue occur. The mechanisms of yawning are also associated with them. If, in addition to yawning, there is a loss of appetite or nausea, swelling, you need to contact specialists.
Multiple sclerosis. In a person with multiple sclerosis, the brain stem is affected and involuntary reflexes appear, for example, in the form of constant yawning. Other symptoms of this disorder include decreased vision, balance problems, and numbness in the extremities.
Stroke. Yawning can be a precursor to a stroke. But, in addition to it, other symptoms should also be observed during a stroke – facial drooping, inability to easily raise your arms up, and changes in speech. During a stroke, the body and brain temperature increases, which provokes the desire to yawn.
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