5 habits that will save your heart
Useful habits will help prevent the development of heart disease. The cardiologist shared some of them.
In the conversation, he first of all drew attention to the amount of salt in the diet. Sodium retains fluid in the body, as a result of which the load on the cardiovascular system increases. The doctor recommended eliminating snacks and any oversalted foods from the diet. The doctor reminded that sodium is found not only in chips, but also in soy sauce, bacon, popcorn, bouillon cubes and even bread.
It is also worth reducing the amount of sugar. Sweets, sweet pastries, ready-made breakfasts and any processed foods contain too much artificial glucose. The most useful sugar is found in fruits – it is called fructose. The doctor emphasized that it is necessary to reduce the amount of artificial products.
It is necessary to add products with a high potassium content to the daily menu, since this component normalizes blood pressure. Sources of potassium are beans, nuts, spinach, cabbage, peas, dates and bananas. It is important to remember that during heat treatment, the amount of potassium in the product decreases.
Another useful element for the heart is magnesium. It regulates protein synthesis in the body, normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythm. Sources of magnesium include spinach, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and various seeds.
Finally, the doctor recommended quitting smoking and alcohol. The cardiologist advised adding walks in the fresh air and other physical activity to your daily routine. Experts also recommend being less nervous and anxious to keep your heart in good shape. Even phone calls can affect the functioning of the circulatory system.
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