5 healthiest fat-containing foods you should eat every day

The massive boom in zero-fat diets, which was popular for over 10 years, has fortunately passed. Now all the world's leading nutritionists have excluded fats from the black list. Moreover, studies show that eating the right fats significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. We have collected for you the 7 best sources of fats that you should include in your diet and not be afraid of harming your figure.

Red fish

Perhaps, even as a child, your mother and grandmother forced you to eat fish, saying that it was brain food. And they were right. Omega-3 acids, which are rich in red fish, ensure brain function, and their deficiency can lead to a decrease in mental functions. To replenish your fatty acid reserves, choose salmon and trout. Seafood, such as oysters or mussels, is also good.


One of the main advantages of this fruit is its antiviral effect. Mexican scientists have proven that avocado oil reduces triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, which is directly related to the risk of vascular disease. In addition, the high fat content in avocados helps the body absorb vitamins A, D, E and K, so we recommend that you get into the habit of adding avocado to your vegetable salad. However, it is worth remembering that one such fruit contains about 350 kcal – it is better to stick to the daily norm and not eat more than half of the fruit at once.

5 most useful fatty foods that you need to eat every day


Everyone knows that olive oil is one of the most useful, but olives themselves deserve to be on the list of the most useful fatty foods. Thanks to their unique acids, they protect the heart muscle from damage. They are also rich in iron and antioxidants that preserve cells. If you don't like olives in their pure form, add this product to a salad or cook with olive oil.

Nuts and seeds

Such a snack is convenient to take with you, it will help maintain energy throughout the day. And a large amount of fatty acids and vitamin E makes nuts and seeds one of the most useful fatty foods. British researchers have concluded that those who regularly eat nuts have a 50% lower chance of developing diabetes, and moreover, the risk of heart attacks and strokes is reduced. We advise you to include nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds in your daily diet. But remember that salt, sugar and caramelization negate the benefits of this product.

Dark chocolate

Contrary to popular belief, chocolate can be good for your figure. Recent studies show that those who indulge in dark chocolate are, on average, 2-3 kilograms slimmer than those who do not eat this product at all. And this is not its only advantage. Two squares of chocolate a day protect the heart and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

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Author: alex

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