5 houseplants that cannot be kept at home

house plants start to give the premises of freshness, decorate it, decorate it. Many owners have a list of favorite flowers that they like for various reasons. But the list may include those plants that are dangerous for human and pet health. For some, it is a beautiful plant that smells nice. But some geranium owners encountered the problem. The plant can cause allergies and asthma attacks. The leaves are rich in substances that are dangerous to humans. When ingested, they cause problems with the cardiovascular system and can lead to death.


poison contain the tubers and seeds of the plant. On the Internet, you can find dangerous advice: as if cyclamen juice helps in the treatment of the undead. The juice of the plant is not as dangerous as substances in the tubers, but it will not help the runny nose. It is better to use gloves when caring for milk so that the juice does not provoke burns and inflammation.

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Author: alex

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