5 mistakes in the garden that lead to “tears, not harvest”
Unfortunate blunders and mistakes in care are made not only by inexperienced beginners, but also by experienced gardeners. In the pursuit of a huge harvest, it is important not to overdo it and to properly care for plants and soil.
Here are common mistakes made by gardeners and gardeners that prevent the harvest from appearing.
Many experts advise loosening the soil. However, loosening and deep digging are not the same. It is advisable not to overdo it with deep digging.
Arranging a “flood” in the garden is a big mistake made by many summer residents. You don't need to run around the garden with a watering can every morning and turn the area into a swamp.
Another mistake is planting seedlings that are too old. Young seedlings grow better and get sick less.
You should not water the garden with different fertilizers. If you stuff the plants with different chemicals, you can harm them.
Neighborhood in the garden
Some plants are uncomfortable growing in the same garden next to others. They begin to suppress each other. But there are also plants that easily get along with others, protecting their “neighbors” from the hot sun, pests, and weeds.
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