5 scientifically proven ways to boost gut health

Every month, scientists receive new evidence of how important the intestinal microflora is for all aspects of our health. And here are some ways to improve the health of this organ.

Avoid artificial sweeteners. This type of sweetener is a popular alternative to sugar. However, researchers have found that these sweeteners lead to changes in the gut microbiome and spikes in blood sugar levels.

Choose fermented foods. The process of making fermented foods involves the use of bacteria or yeast that convert the sugar in food into organic acids or alcohol. These foods are rich in lactobacilli, which do wonders for our gut health.

Eat foods with fiber. Foods that are high in fiber are difficult for the body to digest, but certain bacteria in the gut can break down these foods, which encourages their growth. Buy more whole grains.

Eat a plant-based diet. A diet based on vegetables and fruits is very beneficial for our overall well-being. You can also improve your gut health with plant-based foods, as studies have repeatedly shown.

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Author: alex

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