5 tips to stay strong and energetic all day

Energy, cheerfulness , courage and positive attitude. Do you think this image is not about you at all? What if we say that this opinion can be changed? True, this requires quite a bit of effort.

Today we will reveal five interesting ways to stay strong and energetic throughout the day. Take note!


When we talk about the availability of energy, we need to understand why we need it – doing even routine tasks can turn into a problem if you are not active enough and full of strength. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly plan your day. To do this, use any convenient tool – Google documents, notebooks, tables, special programs.

It is impossible to cope with current work without a list of tasks divided according to priorities. Ideally, you should use the Eisenhower matrix, when all tasks are divided into urgent, important, non-urgent or unimportant. At the same time, it is better not to divide future affairs into personal and work, because all this is necessary, and entering into a conflict is not necessary at all.

Work in rhythm

Rhythmic work, that is, with breaks, will allow you not to cloud your consciousness, not to lose energy, and to stay in good shape from morning to evening. Try to alternate easy and difficult work tasks, arrange a break between them, do not be afraid to rest. But in everything, know the measure! In the pursuit of the desire to remain energetic and strong, you can forget and relax. You shouldn't quit work after all!

Create a fixation effect

How often do you catch yourself thinking that an important meeting awaits at 12:00, and until now, you can't do anything, all the time scrolling through the future details in your head? Or are you looking forward to guests who are due to arrive in a few hours, but you still can't calm down?

In this case, the fixation effect is ideal. That is, you need to record the time of an important event, leave time in your calendar to prepare for it, and spend the rest of the time doing other things that are no less important. Fill your calendar with other events.

Create the right environment

As a rule, the circumstances around us are much stronger than us. If there is a big bucket of ice cream in the freezer, you will eat it. Therefore, it is logical to buy a small filling on a stick, get fewer calories and satisfy your need for sweets.

The same can be said about energy. For example, it is easier to go to sports if you have already packed a backpack, where you put sneakers, a uniform and a water bottle since the evening. So in the morning you will have fewer reasons to go back.

Listen to music

Music will help you cheer up and regain your energy. Find for yourself such melodies that awaken these forces in you. For example, music from when you were a student, when you were young, strong, full of life. It is very likely that the music will bring back the same feelings in you and you will become much more energetic.

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Author: alex

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