5 ways to save an apple tree if its leaves turn yellow
Archaeologists have found images of apples on ancient Egyptian monuments. Theophrastus described varieties that were popular in Ancient Greece in his works, and an apple orchard in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was planted in 1051.
There is no more popular garden tree than the apple tree. It has become so integral to our lives that it is often forgotten, paying attention to more exotic crops.
But the apple tree also needs good care, otherwise it starts to get sick, bears little fruit, and sometimes the tree can even die.
One of the most common symptoms to pay attention to is yellowing of the leaves.
Nitrogen is the key to health
Nitrogen is needed by all plants to a greater or lesser extent. Including apples. Applying nitrogen fertilizers in early spring will allow the leaves and young shoots to fully develop. If they turn pale, then turn yellow, slow down in growth, this indicates a nitrogen deficiency. You can solve the problem by applying nitrogen fertilizers (20 g per 1 sq. m). Spraying the leaf with urea also helps. To obtain a working solution, it is necessary to dissolve 30 g of urea in 10 liters of water.
Magnesium is a building block for chlorophyll
Magnesium is involved in the formation of chlorophyll, so its deficiency causes yellowing of the leaves. If magnesium is not applied in time, the edges of the leaf and veins turn red, and pale spots appear between them. Then premature leaf fall begins.
Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis, so at the first signs of its deficiency, magnesium sulfate should be applied in the area of the trunk circle. Dosage – 50 g per 1 sq. m.
Potassium is responsible for the harvest
The situation with potassium is more complicated. Its deficiency is characterized by various symptoms. The leaves can not only turn yellow, but also become brown, spotted, and die off at the edges.
It is best to judge the lack of potassium by the fruits. They are small, do not ripen for a long time and are tasteless. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly apply potassium sulfate (50 g per 1 sq. m) or ash under the apple trees, diluting 1 cup in 10 liters of water and watering the soil in the area of the trunk circle.
Iron is also necessary
A lack of iron is manifested in yellow leaves with dark veins. This problem is called chlorosis. It is noteworthy that only young leaves become chlorotic, while old ones retain their usual green color. A 1% solution of iron sulfate (1 tsp per bucket of water) helps to correct the problem.
Diseases cannot be ruled out
If top dressing is carried out regularly, but the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off in June-July, most likely the apple tree is affected by leaf spot. Here you will have to resort to protective treatments. The first is carried out with azophos at the time of bud swelling.
The second a week before flowering, the third immediately after flowering, and the fourth at the time of fruit formation. Starting with the second treatment, it is recommended to use Tridex or Tersel.
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