6 foods that invigorate as much as coffee

The holidays are coming to an end, which means it's time to return to reality and wake up from hibernation. Waking up early in the morning is a difficult task in itself, which is further complicated by the disrupted regime after the holidays, the weather outside the window and the lack of daylight, which affects the body's circadian rhythm and sleep quality. Of course, to wake up easier in the morning, first of all, you need to understand the causes of constant drowsiness and build the right regime. However, it takes time to normalize the regime, and you will need vigor and productivity very soon. We tell you which products, in addition to coffee, will help you wake up quickly and charge you with energy for the whole next day.

A glass of water

One of the most common causes of drowsiness and lack of sleep is dehydration. Sometimes, to wake up and help the body tune in to work, it is enough to drink a glass of water. To double the beneficial properties of water, add a slice of lemon, apple cider vinegar, or your favorite berries to it.

Bitter chocolate

A slice of bitter chocolate can replace a glass of strong coffee. Caffeine and theobromine in cocoa contribute to a gentle surge of vigor and increased concentration. In addition, cocoa stimulates a surge of endorphins, also known as hormones of happiness, so a piece of dark chocolate will not only give you strength, but also help you to be in a good mood from the very morning.

Citrus fruits

Rich in vitamin C, oranges, tangerines, lemons and grapefruits will instantly wake up the body, fill it with energy and activate the brain. One aroma of citrus fruits can cheer up and lift your mood, and in the long term, citrus fruits will help strengthen the immune system and fill the seasonal vitamin deficiency.


A small handful of nuts – hazelnuts, almonds or pistachios – will fill the body with nutrients and satisfy hunger for a long time. Nuts, in addition, stimulate brain function, have an excellent invigorating effect and contain biotin, which stimulates energy production.


Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, black currants, strawberries and other berries work as a natural stimulant that not only does not harm the body, but also fills it with useful vitamins and trace elements.

Green tea with lemon

It's no secret that any tea invigorates no worse than coffee. Tea, including green tea, contains caffeine and useful antioxidants, and in combination with a slice of lemon, this tonic drink helps to boost energy and improve mood.

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Author: alex

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