6 foods that will save you from cancer
It is impossible to predict the development of cancer, but doctors advise to prevent this dangerous disease. The first thing you should pay attention to is your diet. Many products have beneficial properties, including anti-cancer. They cannot be used as medicine, but food is ideal as a preventive measure.
Dietitian Sena Çelik from the Turkish Medicana Bahçelievler Hospital named 6 products that prevent the development of oncology.
She put various fruits and vegetables in first place. They always contain antioxidants that prevent the development of tumors, and fiber. Citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, and broccoli have a special anti-cancer effect.
Following them are whole grain products. These are wheat, oats, or brown rice. They contain fiber, which supports the health of the digestive tract. This component helps prevent colon cancer.
You should also add protein to your diet, preferably dietary protein. These include chicken, turkey, beans, lentils, and chickpeas. Red meat and processed foods, on the other hand, contain carcinogens, so their consumption should be minimized.
The fourth food component against cancer is fats. They can be obtained from olive oil, avocados, walnuts, and fatty fish. These substances have anti-inflammatory properties and help reduce the risk of developing cancer.
However, processed fats can be dangerous for the body. These include convenience foods, fast food, and other products that contain a large number of artificial additives, including salt.
Fish contains another beneficial component – omega-3 acids. They reduce the risk of developing breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
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