6 possible symptoms of eye cancer named

According to scientists, the symptoms possible with eye cancer are not exceptional and may indicate less serious eye diseases. However, if they appear, you should definitely get examined.

Specialists from the UK, representing the National Health Service (NHS), spoke about what symptoms can help detect eye cancer in time. In particular, among the oncological diseases of the organs of vision, melanoma, lymphoma, retinoblastoma, squamous cell carcinoma are found. The most common form of eye cancer, as doctors note, is melanoma. People with light eyes over the age of 50 are most likely to develop it.

NHS experts have named 6 possible symptoms of eye cancer:

  • shadows or flashes of light in the eyes,
  • blurred vision,
  • growing dark spots in the eyes,
  • partial loss of vision,
  • bulging of the eye,
  • pain in the eye area.

Scientists added that the development of eye cancer is facilitated by prolonged exposure to the sun without protective glasses and cream. They also stated that the above symptoms do not necessarily indicate an oncological process, more often they are less dramatic signs. However, scientists urge “it is imperative to consult a doctor if at least one of the listed symptoms periodically bothers you”.

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Author: alex

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