6 products will strengthen bones, joints, cartilage and get rid of osteoporosis and arthritis!

Strengthening bones and joints is necessary for all people, especially those suffering from osteoporosis and arthritis. As well as for women in menopause (due to hormonal problems, mainly due to a lack of estrogen and other hormones that prevent calcium absorption).

It is especially recommended to follow a diet rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

There are some foods that you may never have thought could improve bone density and joint health! Therefore, we present to you products that are recommended for strong bones and joints.

1. Spinach

Among the properties of spinach, in addition to its high calcium content, we have proteins. As well as vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins E, K, A, C, B6, B2, potassium, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and fiber.

As a result of the presence of antioxidants, it prevents diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, intestinal problems, delays brain and vision aging. And this means that it is also an ideal food to prevent Alzheimer's disease and cataracts.

2. Sesame seeds

3. Watercress

It is very rich in vitamins and minerals, contains vitamins A, C, E, D, group B, fiber and minerals such as zinc, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium and iron. And it is also an aphrodisiac, a very good hangover remedy.

It is also ideal for fighting constipation, kidney stones, anemia, inflammation and infections. In addition, it helps maintain healthy skin and hair.

4. Prunes

It is effective in preventing bone loss in postmenopausal women. People who eat the most foods rich in vitamin C lose 70% less cartilage mass.

Osteoarthritis is a painful degenerative condition that occurs when cartilage (which cushions the joints of bones) cracks and weakens.

If you want to strengthen your bones, cartilage and joints, then you should eat prunes regularly.

5. Fatty sea fish

It provides the body with a large amount of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Especially such as some fatty acids, group B, selenium, calcium, magnesium and omega-3.

As a result, it helps bones and joints. And also helps lower blood pressure, significantly reduces the chances of stroke (ACV) and cardiovascular disease.

And also promotes cartilage restoration, relieves joint pain, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, reduces the likelihood of depression, prevents cancer and more.

6. Bone broth

Bone broth is rich in two very specific amino acids: proline and glycine. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (especially calcium, magnesium and phosphorus).

You can also make a large batch of bone broth. Then freeze it in ice cube trays and use it every day.

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Author: alex

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