6 ways to get rid of back pain without drugs

WHO statistics state that every third person on Earth has problems with the spine or joints. By the age of 30, about 84% of the world's population complains of periodic or chronic back pain, most of which is in the lumbar region.

When discomfort in the spine or acute pain makes itself felt in everyday life, and there is no way to approach the issue comprehensively, you can start affordable but effective measures in the form of simple physical exercises.

Several times during the day, you need to stand with your back to the wall, straighten up so that the top of your head touches the wall, straighten your shoulders so that the shoulder blades are pressed against the wall as much as possible, below the sacrum, buttocks and heels also touch the wall. Press the wall with your lumbar region – this will strengthen the deep lumbar muscles, spasm of which often leads to pain. Hold the position for one to three minutes 5-10 times a day, three sets.

Practice the same exercise while lying on the floor, on a gymnastic mat. It is useful to do the exercise on a gymnastic mat before going to bed.

If you feel discomfort in your lower back when you go to bed, place a small rolled-up towel in your knee area. Adjust the height of the roller to a comfortable level.

Another way to relax your lower back before going to bed or during the day: while lying on your back, pull your knees bent to your stomach and hug them with your arms. Lie like this for a few minutes. Then do some gentle twisting: place your knees bent to the right, straighten your lower leg, turn your head to the left. Your left hand rests on your bent leg. Breathe smoothly and deeply, straighten up. Also repeat the exercise on the left side. Do this movement several times, smoothly without sudden and fast movements at a slow pace.

Teach yourself to sit on a fitball.

And another important tip that will be especially relevant for young mothers and those whose work is associated with heavy physical exertion: when lifting something, always start lifting the weight with a “straight” spine, fix the spinal column, do not let the lumbar region bend, always bend your knees for such tasks.

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Author: alex

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