7 first symptoms of a cold turning into pneumonia
A large number of people go to the doctor for help from pneumonia with delay. And all because in the early stages of the disease it is very difficult to distinguish a simple cold from pneumonia. The cause of the latter is an inflammatory process of the lungs, a cold or an allergy. Pneumonia can also occur due to chest injuries. In no case should you delay treatment, as you can earn serious complications.
People who make up the risk group
Both adults and children can get sick with the disease. But scientists say that people who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes are most at risk of getting pneumonia. And if you have seen the first signs of the disease, you don't need to panic, but you shouldn't be negligent either. Medicine does not stand still. Today, there are a large number of methods for combating this disease, provided that you consult a doctor in time.
First symptoms of pneumonia
Presence of chills and fever
The disease is often accompanied by an elevated body temperature (over 38.5 degrees) for four days, which is very difficult to lower. The person suffers from severe chills. But this symptom is not the main definition of pneumonia, because it is also characteristic of other diseases. We advise you to look at other signs of pneumonia.
Presence of constant drowsiness
During the illness, there is a constant feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. The human body does not have the strength not only to fight the disease, but also to meet basic needs – to eat.
Characteristic cough
During the course of the disease, a characteristic symptom is constant strong coughing, which is often accompanied by the release of sputum of greenish and rusty shades. Bloody discharge may also be present.
Presence of shortness of breath and frequent short breaths of air
As a result of the disease, the respiratory rhythm in the human body is disturbed – it becomes more frequent. From the outside, it looks as if a person is suffocating, lacking oxygen. But when the rhythm is adjusted, it becomes more even, then the person has a slight shortness of breath.
Accelerated heart rhythm
Doctors claim that the heartbeat rhythm changes during the disease. So check your heart rate. This can be done with the help of two fingers, placing them on the carotid artery or the wrist.
Sensation of pain in the chest area
The feeling of pain accompanies a person not only during coughing, but also with each breath of air. Pay attention to how you breathe.
Decreased body performance caused by a cold or flu
You can't get rid of a cold or flu that you have been suffering from for a long time, and your body temperature has been high for more than five days – you should see a doctor. These may be symptoms of pneumonia. You can't continue to self-medicate.
What to do if you have symptoms of the disease
If you have pronounced symptoms of the disease, then you urgently need to seek help from a doctor. Do not forget about the existence of an ambulance. During a conversation with a medical worker, describe your symptoms in as much detail as possible. And to establish an accurate diagnosis, you will be recommended to undergo fluorography, which is used to determine pneumonia.
And only after that will you be prescribed the necessary medications. But this is not the end of the fight against the disease. You will need to do physical therapy exercises, as well as undergo physiotherapy.
If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease is not a big problem. There are a large number of medications that will help get rid of pneumonia once and for all. But you should not ignore the advice of doctors about the rules of conduct that must be followed after a course of treatment, and you should not turn a blind eye to the existence of the first signs of the disease. And then you are guaranteed to live to a ripe old age in good health.
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