7 foods that cause bloating
Many things depend on nutrition: beauty, well-being, youth. Some products are able to fix certain areas. They affect the condition of some organs, including the digestive system. Some food can cause abdominal distension, which will bring great discomfort in everyday life.
Let's take a look at seven foods, eating which will definitely make your stomach bloated and painful.
Salt and spices are one of the main products that imperceptibly provoke bloating. It seems that there are not so many of them in the diet, but using them in larger quantities than the norm will lead to unpleasant consequences. Also, salt retains fluid in the body, provoking drowsiness and laziness. You need to eat less supplements of this type to avoid similar problems.
Broccoli, cabbage
Chewing gum
Chewing something like this causes a lot of air to be swallowed. It gets into the stomach, causes pressure in the gastrointestinal tract, as a result, bloating. Chewing gum won't help with bad breath any more than toothpaste or mouthwash.
Fiber, proteins, antioxidants – this is what legume products are rich in. They are very useful for health, but they also contain an oligosaccharide that causes bloating.
Fizzy drinks
Not food, but a drink, very not useful for the body. They form flatulence. Therefore, it is better to replace carbonated water with fresh, clean drinking water or tea. Green tea is the most optimal for the figure.
Fried food
It is slowly digested, contributes to the formation of fat folds, causes problems of the gastrointestinal tract, including bloating. Especially if there is a lot of salt in the food. Do you remember that it has an adverse effect? Therefore, do not forget about such a “snack”, eating not the most delicious product.
Everyone knows the benefits of apples. Tasty and juicy fruits contain many vitamins, soluble dietary fibers called pectins, but at the same time consumption of the delicacy threatens with bloating. Do not abuse this product, otherwise you cannot avoid digestive problems.
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