7 Hidden Signs of Gallbladder Cancer

The gallbladder is an important organ that supplies the liver with bile for fat digestion. Many people do not think about it until health problems begin. Unfortunately, the gallbladder is prone to malignant tumors.

There are symptoms of gallbladder cancer that you should know about

1. Yellowish tint of the skin

Jaundice of the skin and eyes is a very alarming signal. If you notice even a slight hint of yellowness, you should immediately sound the alarm and rush to the doctor. This sign suggests that there may be a problem with the liver, but unfortunately, it is also a signal that a tumor may be hiding in the gallbladder.

2. Regular abdominal pain

Often, abdominal pain is not perceived as an innocent indigestion due to nutritional deficiencies or during menstrual periods.

If discomfort is felt in the upper right part of the right side, then this may indicate major problems with the gallbladder. Especially if the pain is acute.

3. Flu symptoms

Often, gallbladder cancer is indicated by hidden symptoms that can easily be confused with the flu. These include nausea and vomiting. In any case, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

4. Constant feeling of a full stomach

Frequent bloating can also be a hidden symptom of gallbladder cancer. The doctor can notice the enlargement of this organ even during a physical examination.

5. Gallstones

A gallbladder disease such as stones can signal that a cancerous tumor may be born in the organ. If you have ever had gallstones, then you should be careful and attentive.

6. Unintentional weight loss

If you are not on a diet and are not trying to lose extra pounds, but you are constantly losing weight – urgently run to the doctor! A characteristic decrease in appetite indicates a cancerous tumor.

7. Relatives had gallbladder cancer

Studies have shown that gallbladder cancer has a high heredity. If there was such a disease in the family, then the risk of getting oncology is high. It is better to check with a doctor more often.

Itchy skin, dark urine, light or excessively fatty stools may indicate gallbladder cancer.

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Author: alex

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