7 reasons why we should give up sugar
Sugar can be found in almost any product, but not all of them are harmful. What will happen if you completely remove sweets from your diet?
1. Your skin will improve
The reason is less insulin in the blood. Sugar consumption causes the body to produce insulin, which can affect the level of collagen and elastin in the skin. This causes inflammation and early wrinkles.
2. More energy
Foods high in sugar have a high glycemic index, are absorbed into the blood faster and increase blood sugar levels. At first, it gives you energy, but not for long. You feel like you’re running out of energy, so you eat sugar again and it all repeats. If you reduce the amount of sugar, your energy levels will be stable, without peaks and valleys. So it’s better to snack on foods rich in protein and healthy fats.
3. You can lose weight
This is a pleasant side effect of living without sugar. Fewer empty calories means less ghrelin, which stimulates appetite and makes you overeat. For example, three cups of tea a day with two spoons of sugar is almost 100 meaningless calories and almost the full daily allowance of “white powder” per day. And you won’t even notice it!
4. Your sleep will improve
Too much sugar suppresses melatonin production, which disrupts sleep. Lack of sleep can make you want to eat more, and so on. Studies also show that lack of sleep can affect the body's glucose balance, which can make you crave sweets more.
5. Less stomachaches
Sugar lovers also eat a lot of unsaturated fats and little fiber. And if you give up sugar, everything changes for the better.
6. Mental health may improve
A recent study shows a connection between these concepts. A diet rich in sugar leads to a higher risk of developing depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.
7. Liver works better
Excess sugar (including in the form of glucose) is closely linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): excess fructose cannot be processed by the liver without glucose, and it remains inside. So reducing sugar consumption sometimes leads to the most unexpected benefits!
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