7 signs that our body is aging very quickly
Have you found any of these signs? Take action immediately!
Passport age and real age often differ – and sometimes the difference can be ten years or more. It's good if we are younger than we should be – but what if the opposite? Check these signs of premature aging – and if you find any of the above in yourself, take action immediately.
Hair loss – not only on the head
A recognized symptom of aging is irreversible hair loss. But here's the thing: hair can also fall out on other parts of our bodies, and if this happens, your body is likely aging faster than it should.
Your arms and legs have become noticeably weaker
Over the years, we lose muscle mass – this process begins after 35 years, and after 40 and especially after 50 years it only accelerates. And to maintain a healthy percentage of muscle mass, over the years we have to make more and more efforts. If we do not do this, our arms and legs become weaker and it becomes difficult for us to lift the usual loads, get up and just climb the stairs. However, a diet with a high protein content and physical activity help to cope with this.
Bruises heal very, very long
Another important sign of premature aging is the duration of healing of bruises, abrasions and small wounds. If our largest organ – the skin – regenerates slowly, then something is wrong with the processes of restoration of all other systems.
It's getting harder and harder for you to find the perfect pair of pants
Too narrow at the waist, too wide at the hips, and too long — all of this, oddly enough, can also indicate that your body is aging rapidly. With age, fat tends to accumulate more readily in the waist area, and due to loss of muscle mass, legs become thinner. In addition, due to loss of joint fluid, we lose height. The recipe for salvation is still the same: diet, physical activity, and mandatory consultation with an arthritis specialist to protect joint health.
Increased skin dryness
Dry, flaky skin that creams, lotions, and even oil can't help with is another sign of aging. However, if this is the only observed sign, it may be a matter of thyroid gland dysfunction – so you should consult an endocrinologist.
Sleep problems
With with age, the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, which negatively affects the quality of sleep, invariably increases in the body. But it is very important to control the level of stress and find your own ways to fight it and relax — as cortisol accelerates the aging of the body and brain.
Disruption of the menstrual cycle
Disruption Menstrual cycles can start up to 15 years before menopause — and unfortunately, they're warning signs that your body is aging faster than it should. If you are between 30 and 40 years old and your cycle is irregular, maybe you should consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist and check the level of stress in your life.
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