7 simple ways to stop being naive and learn to accept reality as it is
Naivety is not synonymous with stupidity, and sometimes even very intelligent people can be naive. If a fool is incapable of making the right conclusions, then a naive person does not want to see reality as it is, because he has a better opinion of others. However, naivety and stupidity are punished by life with about the same severity, and therefore, there is not that much difference between them.
1. Magic online courses
It is impossible to master a new profession or language simply by taking some online courses.
Otherwise, there would be super-specialists, jacks of all trades, and linguists-translators around you. Everyone has the Internet, literally in every pocket, everyone also knows about YouTube and torrents, but people continue to go to their usual and far from favorite jobs. High-quality specialists are still in great shortage, so there must be a trick somewhere.
The point here is not a lack of motivation or desire to change your life, but the complexity of the learning process. That's why there are schools, universities, advanced training courses. You can't get an education by watching a couple of videos, because there are always a whole train of nuances, questions and clarifications. Online courses can only introduce you to the subject, very superficially and often unprofessionally.
2. Easy money in the Telegram channel
“Don’t hide your money in banks and corners,” sang Alice the Fox, persuading her to bury the money in Wonderland, which is in the Land of Fools. It was important to do it at midnight, only then the magic would work. In fact, the night served as a natural cover for scammers, and, of course, the buried money simply disappeared, getting lost in the pockets of the Fox and the Cat. It would seem like just a naive fairy tale, but not only children willingly believe in such schemes.
There are no good cappers who will teach their craft, spin your account or even share super-secret schemes, for just a few thousand.
This is ridiculous, because they themselves can bet and earn, why reveal secrets, especially for such symbolic sums? The situation is the same with the entrepreneurs of the new wave from “Telegram”, who offer to invest in something unclear. These guys usually don't even have their own website, often they can't explain what they do, answering in vague terms.
3. Profitable loan
Simply by definition, a loan cannot be profitable, because a person in any case will return more, and sometimes significantly more, than he took.
Where is the benefit here and what does it consist of? However, bank callers always insist on the profitability and usefulness of loans, they literally ask you to take some money or at least to issue a credit card with a limit of 50 thousand. You will receive such a card, and you will probably go into the red sooner or later, for some time you will top up your account on time, but one day you won't have time Actually, that's what the calculation is for, having a credit card at home and not getting into the red, it's like quitting smoking with a pack of cigarettes in your pocket.
Another argument is credit history, which is so necessary, according to consultants. However, in reality it is rarely useful, because on the one hand, it encourages obtaining new, even larger loans, but on the other hand it is not needed at all. Today, credit cards, even with a small overdraft, are issued to literally everyone, even the unemployed.
4. Promises and oaths
In the modern world, the importance of an oath is not at all the same as in book novels or the Middle Ages.
All these are just words, unfortunately, or, for some, fortunately. Simply put, all these “I promise” and “I swear” are not at all obligatory to fulfill, because only the image is at stake, and this is a trifle for the vast majority of people.
If there is no responsibility for breaking the rules, then they will be broken, this is how our society lives.
To give these words meaning, it is necessary to cultivate honor. This should be done by the whole society, condemning the violation of a promise, equating it, even if it is a small crime. A similar effect was achieved in England, where lying is still considered something shameful, depriving a person of honor and dignity.
5. Too good to be true
Know firmly and do not doubt: if something sounds too good to be true, it is not true.
It is true in about 99% of cases. If you make a mistake, you may get a pleasant surprise, one that will perhaps be remembered for a lifetime. At the same time, you will be immune to any miracle stories and super-profitable offers, initially counting on deception and proceeding from the worst-case scenario.
This does not mean that you should be a pessimist, but rather a healthy realist. If a person makes plans based on the best, but not guaranteed, option, he risks being caught off guard. The fall will be painful, but there is no one to blame, because he made the decision himself. If you count on the worst, but still profitable scenario, you can be pleasantly surprised, or not suffer significant losses.
6. People change
A person who has already formed never changes unless we consider global situations that change life radically.
Although even in the case of change, they remain, rather, an exception to the rule: something in the head has to click so much that the former personality seems ugly and unworthy of further existence. Then a person erases the past from himself and starts from scratch. Most likely, you will not meet such people on your path, and certainly no one will adapt to you because of your desires. It is much easier for people to find someone more suitable than to change themselves, so the path of least resistance is chosen.
7. Then it will be credited
Probably there is nothing more uncertain than “later”. When is it later? And will what is credited be equivalent to what is done now? This equation looks too muddy, which means it is easier to forget about it altogether. Not immediately, of course, also later, but a little earlier than your “later”. This is how people benefit and take advantage of the kindness of others. There are two options: never agree to such offers, or not expect anything from them, relying on chance. It will count – well, and if not, then there is no court.
After all, in any negotiations, especially business ones, you need to strive for maximum specificity, specifying and clarifying all the points that raise at least some questions.
Then there will be no unpleasant surprises, painful expectations and empty hopes. Based on real life practice, the phrase “someday later” almost always means “never”.
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