7 types of garbage that will ruin any vacuum cleaner
Do not vacuum these contaminants, otherwise you will soon have to say goodbye to your expensive device. In the twentieth century, home comfort technologies took a step forward and did not stop their progress in the twenty-first. Now we cannot imagine cleaning an apartment without a vacuum cleaner.
Some people prefer proven options, while others test new products – robotic devices or so-called upright vacuum cleaners, which are more compact and stylish. But no matter how smart the device is, in some cases, technology will not replace a person. We tell you what kind of garbage should never be removed from the floor with a vacuum cleaner.
Soil and plants
Sand from the street and soil for indoor plants are clearly unequal opponents for your vacuum cleaner. The force of pressure and the mass of the brush will most likely simply drive the soil deeper into the carpet and soil it even more. And the leaves of indoor plants can break the equipment and add new dirt.
If a geranium pot has broken, grab a dustpan and brush, and leave the fine dust for the vacuum cleaner.
Glass and ceramics
It is also a bad idea to vacuum up small fragments of a glass cup, as this can damage the equipment. Small glass shards can get stuck in the hose or motor, and tear the dust bag.
Therefore, it is best to clean the floor from the fragments with a brush, and then, for safety, wipe the surface with a damp cloth. You can also stick a strip of wide tape – small glass particles will remain on it.
The smallest: ash, concrete dust, flour, sawdust
Fireplace ash, sawdust and construction dust contain tiny dust particles, even a small amount of which can clog filters and make suction difficult. Flour will also add unnecessary problems to your life, as it penetrates the filters and settles in the vacuum cleaner motor.
The best way is to use a spray bottle, and then replace the wet dust with a dustpan and brush.
Do not offer the vacuum cleaner coffee
In home appliance stores there are positions designed specifically for collecting liquids and wet debris, such as coffee grounds. But if you have a regular vacuum cleaner, these tasks may be too much for it.
Liquid debris can easily clog the vacuum cleaner tube and block the filter. In this case, the liquid will immediately turn the contents of the dust container into a wet mess. Water suction into the electrical appliance can also lead to malfunctions and breakdowns.
It is best to remove the liquid with a napkin, rag or mop.
Lego is the enemy of the vacuum cleaner
In general, any device can suck in small objects, but coins, paper clips, pins, and toys can block and damage internal parts. It's better to collect them by hand – then you won't have to spend money on a new vacuum cleaner.
Sticky objects
Glitter, tape, or glue are definitely not intended for vacuuming. They can easily clog the filter and block the motor. In addition, these objects can melt inside and make the device unsafe to use.
The surest way to deal with such garbage is with a regular damp rag. PVA glue can be removed with a soapy solution. For other types of glue, white vinegar or acetone will do.
In large quantities, it clogs the pipe and winds up on the brush, as a result, the vacuum cleaner stops sucking and runs idle. Your helper may even burn out from excessive effort.
If you don't feel like working with a broom, remove the hair stuck to the vacuum cleaner brush right during the cleaning process.
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