8 myths about sleep that can harm your health
People tend to believe various myths about sleep, but this can negatively affect their health.
People spend a third of their lives sleeping, so neglecting it can affect your health. However, there are several myths about sleep that are widely spread in society that people believe. Doctors have collected eight of the most popular myths and refuted them.
Myth #1. Five hours of sleep is enough for health.
Researchers believe that this is one of the most harmful myths for the population. Five hours of sleep will not lead you to health, but to heart problems, diabetes and obesity. An adult needs at least seven hours of sleep for health.
Myth #2. Watching TV is a great way to relax before bed.
TV, like tablets, smartphones, and other gadgets, is not the best idea before bed. The light emitted by screens has a bad effect on sleep, which also affects your health.
Myth #3. It doesn't matter what time of day you sleep.
Whether we like it or not, the natural rhythms of our bodies are tuned to the sunrise and sunset. In the long term, disrupting the time of day we sleep affects our condition. Disruption of circadian rhythms increases the risk of developing depression and diabetes. If, for example, you have been working the night shift for many years, then you should think about what is more important to you – your career or your health.
Myth #4. The ability to fall asleep at any time and in any environment is a sign of healthy sleep.
This is not true. This ability is only an indicator that you are not getting enough sleep. A person with healthy sleep needs a few minutes to fall asleep. If you “turn off” after a few seconds in any conditions, then your body is not getting enough rest.
Myth #5. Simply lying down with your eyes closed is just as useful as sleeping.
Your body functions differently during sleep and wakefulness. If you just lie with your eyes closed and consider yourself resting, your body does not think so. The organs realize that the brain is not sleeping, so they work in wakefulness mode. This will not bring any benefits to the body as a healthy sleep.
Myth #6. Alcohol improves sleep.
Alcohol is a poison for the body and you will not sleep better from it. Drinking alcohol before bedtime is not only wrong, but also dangerous to your health.
Myth #7. The body can be trained to sleep less.
Scientists refute this: no matter how much we want to believe that we can train our body to sleep less, we cannot do this. You will only harm your health with chronic sleep deprivation.
Myth #8. Loud snoring is essentially harmless.
Loud snoring is harmful – it signals problems with the respiratory tract. Firstly, it affects the quality of sleep, and secondly, it can lead to the fact that a person simply stops breathing in his sleep.
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