9 factors that increase the risk of breast cancer
Breast cancer affects about one in eight women.
“Taking into account the risk factors that we know today, we can explain about half of all cancer cases,” says the oncologist.
These factors have been proven to increase the risk of breast cancer.
1. Tall stature
Tall stature increases the risk of developing many types of cancer, including breast cancer.
“The number of growth factors is responsible for this. “With a height of 160 centimeters, the risk of breast cancer increases by 18 percent for every ten centimeters,” says the oncologist.
2. Female gender
Men get breast cancer much less often – about 700 cases per year.
“There are two reasons for this: firstly, women have larger breasts and therefore more cells that can develop breast cancer. On the other hand, the female hormones estrogen and progesterone play a role.”
3. Age over 40
The risk of developing breast cancer increases steadily from the age of 40. The average age of a woman who develops breast cancer is 64.
“Our cells are constantly dividing, and with each cell division there is a risk of making an error. As we age, the mechanisms that can correct these errors become weaker.”
4. Hereditary predisposition
About a quarter of women who develop breast cancer have a family history of the disease. This may be a sign of a genetic cause. Affected women can undergo special genetic tests and benefit from intensive early detection measures.
The gene that causes the disease can only be found in five to ten percent of all breast cancer cases.
5. Milk consumption
It is currently proven that alcohol consumption increases the overall risk of developing cancer. However, milk consumption may, in particular, increase the risk.
“Milk is high in estrogen and progesterone. Both hormones play an important role in the development of breast cancer. Important: this only applies to hormone-sensitive breast cancer.”
6. Radiation
A big risk factor is radiation, such as X-rays. However, X-rays can save lives both in diagnosis and treatment – in the vast majority of cases, the benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks.
7. Early menstruation and late menopause
If a woman has her first menstruation early and menopause occurs later, this can also increase her risk of breast cancer.
“The reason for this is the long period during which women produce estrogen. Because estrogen is involved in the development of breast cancer.”
8. Obesity after menopause
If women become overweight after menopause, this can also contribute to the development of breast cancer. About a quarter of all cases of breast cancer in women after menopause are related to being overweight.
9. Hormone replacement therapy after menopause
To relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings or vaginal dryness, some women are prescribed hormone medications.
“This hormone replacement therapy has been shown to increase the risk.”
What can we influence?
In many of the aspects mentioned, our influence is limited. We can certainly control other factors, such as alcohol or milk consumption.
Exercise also only has a protective effect in early childhood. However, smoking is a risk factor for almost all other cancers, and adequate physical activity and low stress are certainly important for our health.
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