9 incredible benefits of coffee
Many people cannot imagine their life without coffee – and for good reason! It turns out that in addition to its incredible taste, it is also incredibly beneficial for our body. We suggest you learn more.
The beneficial effects of coffee are expressed in the ability to improve cognitive health, help fight excess weight, strengthen the level of vital energy, reduce the risk of diabetes and protect the liver. Coffee also has a positive effect on metabolism, prevents the development of some types of cancer and protects the cardiovascular system of the body from damage.
What is coffee
Coffee is a drink made from the seeds of the plant of the same name. Arabica coffee is the most popular in use, but there are many different subspecies, depending on the part of the world where it is drunk and from where it is imported.
Known worldwide, delicious and stimulating to the body, coffee is one of the most popular drinks on the planet. Every day in the USA alone, 100 million cups of it are drunk. Worldwide, this number is in the billions. It is estimated that on average, about 500 billion cups of the drink are drunk in the world per year!
Coffee exports are in the No. 1 position for twelve countries in the world and, despite its slightly bitter taste and the development of addiction to it, it is in great demand by people all over the globe. Historically, the first mention of coffee as a drink occurred about 500 years ago on the Arabian Peninsula.
But there is a hypothesis that it was used as a stimulating drink more than 1000 years ago in various ancient and indigenous cultures. Today, coffee is drunk in every country, and not just once, but even 5-6 times a day. While offices use large coffee machines, at home people make do with small coffee makers, which are best used for preparing small quantities of the drink.
Facts in favor of drinking coffee
Coffee beans contain important organic elements and nutrients, including B vitamins (B2, B3, B5), as well as potassium, manganese and magnesium. Probably the most important is the presence of caffeine, which has many examples of positive effects on health when consumed in moderation at the right time during the day. Let's learn more about the effects of coffee on the human body.
Improving cognitive functions
Coffee is widely known to help focus the mind and improve attention by stimulating the brain with caffeine. Yes, drinking too much coffee can have a disastrous effect on mental health. But moderate consumption, on the contrary, helps maintain the brain and helps prevent mental degradation with age.
Studies show that older people who regularly drink coffee are 60% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease or mental disorders. Keeping the connections between neurons active with coffee is not a bad idea at all!
Weight loss
An important advantage of coffee is that it makes us move, be active, and thus burn calories faster. Caffeine is a powerful natural stimulant that also allows you to improve metabolism. If you hold a cup of coffee in your hands, you can not think about calories.
Maximum effect of sports
Many people who regularly work out or go to the gym use coffee as a last-minute energy boost so they can achieve better results. A dose of caffeine acts as an instant boost, making people more active and strong for a little longer and thus seeing the results of their gym sessions faster.
Improving heart health
While too much caffeine can negatively affect our cardiovascular system, studies show that people who drink coffee regularly may reduce their risk of stroke. Women also have a lower risk of heart disease. Coffee may temporarily raise blood pressure, but that doesn't mean you'll have a heart attack. It just means your heart will be working at its best.
Preventing Diabetes
A fairly recent study shows that people who drink coffee regularly have a 25-30% lower risk of developing diabetes. The study involved over half a million people and showed these surprising results. Perhaps this is due to the greater activity of coffee drinkers, or the fact that the drink reduces appetite and reduces the impact of risk factors for diabetes.
Improving metabolism
One of the everyday functions of vitamins in our body is to regulate metabolic activity. Significant levels of vitamins B3, B5 and B2 mean that coffee helps optimize metabolic processes, maintains balanced hormone levels and helps the body work smoothly.
Liver protection
This is also a recently researched area, which shows that drinking coffee helps improve liver function, and in particular, prevents cirrhosis, hepatitis and fatty liver. One study showed that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of cirrhosis by 80%.
Cancer prevention
It seems that almost everyone is looking for a miracle cure for cancer, due to its widespread distribution in the world. Traditionally, coffee is not perceived as an anti-cancer agent, but it is associated with the prevention of two types of cancer in particular: liver and colorectal, which are respectively in 3rd and 4th place in terms of mortality in the world.
Fighting depression
In addition to its positive effects on various parts of our body, coffee helps reduce depression.
The natural effects of coffee contribute to the freshness of our mind and body. But you need to remember that excessive consumption of coffee can cause very serious problems in the body. So drink coffee not to your detriment, but to your health!
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