A common mistake cooks make: at what point should you salt the broth?
At first glance, preparing broth is not one of the most complicated culinary procedures. However, creating this simple dish is often accompanied by the appearance of turbidity and the disappearance of transparency. And even if these problems are overcome, the broth can still disappoint the gourmet.
Yes, the dish often turns out to be oversalted. And in most cases, the failure is explained by the fact that the hostess did not add sodium chloride to the liquid in time.
A common mistake of cooks
In most cases, people add salt to the broth while the dish is still cooking in the pan.
This approach seems logical, because most dishes need to be salted during cooking.
However, broths are an exception. The matter is that the liquid evaporates quite quickly, due to which the ratio of water and sodium chloride becomes incorrect.
Thus, it is advisable to salt the broth after it has been placed on the plate. In this case, it is much easier for the cook to “guess” the amount of spice and not oversalt the dish.
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