A feeling familiar to many turned out to be associated with elevated sugar levels

It is known that the main signs of high blood sugar, that is, either prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, are constant thirst and frequent urination. However, an excess of glucose in the body may be indicated by a change in behavior or mental state.

As doctors note, type 2 diabetes can “mask” as some diseases and even mood swings. For example, a constant feeling of hopelessness, anxiety, and depression can be caused by the fact that the sugar level has been consistently elevated for a long time. As a rule, women are prone to this. Experts cite statistics: about 30-40% of endocrinologist patients report mood swings.

As previously reported, a sharp increase in appetite and constant hunger may indicate the development of type 2 diabetes. This is due to the fact that the glucose level is too high, it cannot enter the cells due to insulin resistance or as a result of its deficiency. The body does not receive enough energy, which causes severe hunger.

American doctors have identified the main symptoms of type 2 diabetes. According to them, the onset of the disease can be manifested by constant thirst, dry and itchy skin, fatigue, frequent urination, slow healing of abrasions. Pain, burning and tingling in the legs may also indicate that your blood sugar level is too high. Vision problems may begin.

Prediabetes and diabetes in the early stages can be compensated for by changing your lifestyle and giving up a number of products. Sugar, rapidly digestible carbohydrates, salt, and trans fats should be minimized.

It should be remembered that insufficient control of diabetes increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney disease, impotence, vision impairment (including blindness), and gangrene.

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Author: alex

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