A kilowatt of electricity will cost 2.5 times cheaper: who will be transferred to a special tariff
Until April 30, 2025, the cost of one kilowatt of electricity for the population will be 4.32 hryvnias. However, some consumers may pay at a special tariff.
Ukrainians who install multi-zone electricity meters are automatically transferred to a special tariff. This step involves certain costs – for the purchase and installation of the device, but they pay off quite quickly.
So, when installing a two-zone meter, in the period from 23:00 to 7:00 you can pay half the standard price – 2.16 hryvnias per kWh.
At the same time, a three-zone meter makes it possible to pay 2.5 times less at night, but with such a device you need to carefully plan the use of electricity, because during peak hours the cost is many times higher.
Tariff zones:
- night tariff (23:00–07:00) – 1.728 hryvnias per kWh;
- semi-peak tariff (07:00–08:00, 11:00–20:00, 22:00–23:00) – 4.34 hryvnias per kWh;
- peak tariff (08:00–11:00, 20:00–22:00) — 6.48 hryvnias per kWh.
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