A nutritionist told who is not recommended to eat plums
In the summer, plums are one of the most popular products. There is a category of people who should avoid or reduce their consumption of the fruit, the nutritionist noted.
Perhaps the main effect of the product is to improve intestinal peristalsis – this allows you to cleanse the organ in a timely and careful manner. With the help of plums, you can accelerate weight loss and keep your weight in the desired range. The fiber in the composition helps to additionally saturate a person, maintaining the desired blood sugar level. Plum juice prevents liver disease and also lowers blood pressure.
Despite the great benefits of the product, not everyone can use it, and you should also know the norm – a little more than 150 grams at a time. For stomach problems, the norm is reduced to 1-2 fruits per day.
Plums should be removed from the diet for gastritis with high acidity or irritable bowel syndrome. Urolithiasis and rheumatism are also on the list of ailments in which you should not abuse the fruit, the doctor concluded.
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