A passion for flour can contribute to the appearance of cancer
Regular use of white flour products contained in baked goods, bread and other everyday food products, can become a trigger for the development of cancer, scientists admit.
Researchers continue to study the role that diet plays in relation to the risk of cancer. Cancer continues to be one of the most difficult diseases to treat, which is facilitated, first of all, by its ability to extremely quickly create abnormal cells that multiply outside the tumor-affected organ.
Therefore, experts note, the importance is more relevant today. have not so much the possibility of therapy as preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of cancer in the body.
The role of nutrition in the development of cancer risk is complex and far from definitive. However, certain foods are evaluated by medical experts as factors that promote the growth of cancer cells. One such food ingredient of concern is processed white flour, consumed in large quantities by people on a daily basis.
British pharmacist Hussein Abdeh said in an interview that “processed white flour has a high glycemic index and increases the both insulin and blood sugar”.
The expert emphasizes that it is easier for a cancer tumor to grow in the body if the level of sugar in a person's blood is higher.
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) also recommends avoiding regular consumption of “higher processed foods,” including white flour. A craving for flour products increases the glycemic load on the body.
“There is also strong evidence that a high glycemic load is a cause of endometrial cancer,” the AICR warns.
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