A popular drink that prolongs life and saves from cancer is named
Drinking this drink is a good prevention of some types of cancer, say scientists. Moreover, they managed to establish that the special substances contained in it prolong life. Another advantage of this drink is availability. Many people drink it every day, and you probably have it in your home.
The science of aging has made great strides in increasing life expectancy, but now the focus is shifting to how to maintain good health into deep old age. old age The main thing here is to stay healthy mentally and physically. One direction of research points to a drink that prolongs life and protects against diseases.
In many regions of Asia, people live to an old age, which is explained by proper nutrition, although scientists believe that this is equally contributed by tea, which is very popular there. There is growing evidence that certain types of tea are extremely important for maintaining healthy blood pressure. But they help not only in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Such types of tea also protect the body from various types of cancer, as indicated by numerous studies.
Green tea is extremely beneficial for health because it contains many unique antioxidants. It is rich in polyphenols, which contain a subgroup of antioxidants called catechins.
The unique molecules of these antioxidants have a powerful anti-tumor effect, which many researchers say.
Moreover, it has been observed that in those population groups that drink green tea have lower rates of cancer, which has caused great interest among epidemiologists.
Many experts believe that polyphenols inhibit malignant formations characteristic of a number of diseases. For this reason, green tea consumption is often associated with a reduction in overall mortality.
In the work, regular consumption of green tea is associated with increased life expectancy. The authors of the work examined 100,902 Chinese adults from 15 Chinese provinces to evaluate the effect of green tea on cardiovascular diseases of atherosclerotic origin.
Scientists found that people who do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and drink green tea at least three times a week for seven years have a 56 percent reduction in the risk of death from heart attack and stroke.
The research team noted : “In patients who regularly drink tea at the age of 50, life without cardiovascular diseases of atherosclerotic origin is extended by 1.41 years, and life expectancy increases by 1.26 years.”
They made the following conclusion: “tea consumption is associated with a reduction in the risk of atherosclerosis of the cardiovascular system and mortality from all causes, especially in those who drink tea regularly.” lipid metabolism, lowering of blood pressure and stabilization of glucose metabolism.
One meta-analysis published in the journal Molecules and Cells highlighted the protective properties of catechins against cancer. The authors write: “if you drink more than 10 cups of green tea per day, it will be a good prevention of lung cancer, as well as colon, liver and stomach cancer”.
Regarding cancer recurrence, the authors of one study reported that breast cancer is much less likely to recur in those patients who drink more than five cups of green tea every day.
Cancer Research UK reports that, according to laboratory studies, green tea extract also reduces the risk of breast cancer, prostate and intestines.
Laboratory experiments have shown that the ingredients of green tea inhibit the growth of tumors and cause the death of cancer cells.
Numerous animal studies have shown that green tea molecules slow down the development of chemically induced cancer cells tumors.
Moreover, if green tea is combined with chemotherapy, the effects of the drugs are maximally enhanced, and the risks are reduced.
These findings may be of great importance for the treatment of various types of oncological diseases, especially due to the fact that positive results are confirmed by a large number of studies.
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