A psychologist named the reasons for trusting good people

The family psychologist said that due to a thinking error, many people endow beautiful people with traits that they do not have. She named other reasons for trusting attractive individuals.

Beauty is a subjective concept, everyone understands it in their own way, she says. However, according to her, studies have proven that beautiful people have great trust. Due to the so-called “halo effect”, the opinion about them is formed in a split second.

We automatically consider a person who is beautiful on the outside to be beautiful and attribute to her those qualities that she may not have: decency, kindness, sensitivity, ability to sympathize.

The doctor explained that the human brain is prone to generalization – it is easier for it to work that way. It is easier to think in clichés, because you do not have to think, analyze and make decisions. However, following the first impression of a beautiful person, it is easy to fall for the tricks of a nice swindler or a narcissistic personality.

Many, as the psychologist notes, endow beautiful people with the qualities that they prefer. “We fantasize, like in a fairy tale, we hope that the person will meet our expectations, and when this does not happen, we are disappointed,” she says. “Therefore, before making hasty conclusions about someone's inner world, it is necessary to communicate with them for a longer time. Only in the process can you form an opinion and resolve the issue of trust.”

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Author: alex

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