A psychologist spoke about the positive effects of stress on the body
All diseases are due to stress. Everyone has probably heard this statement. There is some truth to this, since during a stressful situation the hormonal background changes and other processes in the body are restructured. However, if stress is given a positive color, the disease can be reversed.
The psychotherapist explained that psychological state and death from cancer are related.
More than 40% of people die as a result of their belief that cancer and stress pose a direct threat to the body, the specialist said. Most patients view their diagnosis as a sentence and prepare for a quick death. However, stress, according to the doctor, helps fight the disease.
“For example, one of the body's reactions to stress is rapid breathing. A person lacks oxygen, this condition is called hypoxia. At this time, a decrease in the growth of cancer cells may be observed, and the immune system begins to fight them more effectively,” the psychotherapist gave an example.
The doctor spoke about a recent study involving 30,000 Americans. People who had high levels of stress were 43% more likely to die, believing that stress was dangerous to their health. However, patients who experienced severe stress but did not believe that it could be one of the causes of their death were the least likely to die.
This effect was observed in all groups of volunteers, including those with minimal stress.
The psychologist explained that a positive attitude towards stress triggers the so-called courage mechanism in the body – the body begins to produce the hormone oxytocin. It is this that gives psycho-emotional strength to fight illness and any difficult conditions, and also improves overall well-being.
Exceeding the “norm” of stress in life is also not worth it. You need to be able to cope with it and not bring it to absurdity. For example, seasonal sadness is not a reason to think that you have severe depression, experts explain.
Special training, breathing exercises, and meditation will help normalize stress levels. And therefore, it is not at all necessary to study Buddhism or other spiritual practices.
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