A simple product reduces the risk of developing dementia
The way of life of a person in his youth largely determines his risk of development dementia in old age. Not only brain training, physical and social activity, but also the use of such a simple product as an egg help to reduce the probability of the disease.
Dementia is characterized by a progressive deterioration of memory, thinking, concentration, and socialization mechanisms. And eggs are able to protect the brain from the decline of cognitive functions. This conclusion was made as a result of the research.
More than 25 thousand people aged from 30 to 70 took part in the experiment. They were followed for 20 years to see what effect their diet had on brain health and whether they developed any type of dementia.
As a result, experts concluded that eggs reduce the risk of dementia , especially Alzheimer's disease, in people who do not follow a Mediterranean diet. Such a diet includes increased consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, olive oil and a reduced amount of meat in the diet.
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