Against the night: six foods you can eat before bed
Every self-respecting woman knows that you shouldn't eat before bed. The latest meal should be a couple of hours before bedtime. But sometimes it's impossible to overpower ourselves – we, like zombies, go to the refrigerator and eat anything. But let's be honest: usually this is not the best food, which contributes to weight gain and leads to digestive problems.
However, experts say that there are certain foods that can be eaten before bed. Today we will name these types of foods and tell you what effect they have.
Foods that can be eaten at night
From the list of foods allowed before bedtime, you should immediately exclude everything fatty, floury, and sweet. But products containing tryptophan will be just fine. However, low-calorie ones are better. For example, low-fat dairy products – cheese and Greek yogurt. They have all the necessary substances that can not have a harmful effect on you before bedtime. These are tryptophan and zinc, which contribute to the rapid absorption of amino acids. In addition, they contain magnesium, which helps calm the nerves.
Fish, but only fatty types, will help to suppress hunger and allow you to fall asleep faster. Sardines and mackerel are especially useful in this regard. It's all about omega-3 fatty acids, which have such an effect on the body.
Eggs are also allowed to be eaten before bedtime. But it is best to combine them with skim milk and make an omelet. It is ideal to eat it with a green salad. In general, such a combination will allow you to feel full, but will not affect your figure and health in any way. After all, an omelet with salad is a dish with negative calories.
Nuts – hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts. They are rich in B vitamins, which helps to put the nervous system in order, so they can be eaten before bedtime. However, you need to remember that they do not contain tryptophan.
Gluten-free cereals, such as buckwheat, quinoa or rice, will be an ideal product that you can eat before bedtime. They have the same effect on the body as nuts.
Bananas and pineapples are also on our list of products that you can eat at night. Yes, this is a small paradox, because both products are quite high in calories. The main thing is to know the measure and not eat more than 100 grams. Their benefit is that they contain serotonin, and this is very important.
How foods affect sleep
To sleep well, you need melatonin, that is, a hormone that is produced only in the dark. For its production, you need serotonin, or the hormone of happiness, from which melatonin is synthesized. It is obtained, in turn, from tryptophan, which is mainly found only in protein foods. This explains the above-mentioned list of foods that can be eaten before bed.
But there are a number of foods that should never be consumed at night. These include alcoholic beverages, chocolate, tea and coffee, enriched and refined foods, sour foods, spices. Almost all foods are stimulants, that is, they will not let you sleep and will awaken an even greater appetite.
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