Age 40 years and older: signs that you must see a doctor

When you are 40 years of age or older, some of the signs that your body presents may indicate that you should definitely see a doctor.

By the age of 40, we must learn to notice the changes occurring in the body and the state of the organism, which becomes a completely solvable task if we pay attention to ourselves and our health. British doctor Philip Kay told about this in an interview with the Express Health publication, also listing the signs that signal the need to consult a doctor. What does the expert advise paying close attention to in adulthood?

Headache. According to the doctor, headaches accompanied by double vision require a mandatory visit to a therapist. A brain scan may be needed.

Problems with the oral cavity. A mouth ulcer that does not heal within three weeks, as well as a sore throat that lasts three weeks or longer, is also an alarming sign that you need to see a doctor.

< p>The work of the digestive system has changed.The affected person may feel pain in the stomach, which seems to accompany the movement of food through the digestive tract. If such a feeling persists for three weeks or more, you should immediately make an appointment at a medical institution, especially when, in addition to pain, you can notice other changes in bowel functions, or blood in the feces.

Signs of osteoporosis. Dr. Filipa notes that people over the age of 40 are also at risk of osteoporosis, a weakening of the bones due to a decrease in their density. Here are the symptoms that may signal a problem: sensations characteristic of reflux disease appear (heartburn, pain behind the sternum), the stomach begins to protrude, regular pains in the back and hip joints appear.

Bad the condition of the heart. The main cause of heart diseases that attack people aged 40 and older is impaired blood supply to the myocardium due to the accumulation of fatty (cholesterol) deposits in the blood arteries. One of the signs that the arteries are filled with cholesterol and the heart feels overloaded due to this, is extremely strong sweating that occurs without any connection with the temperature of the air or physical exertion. If excessive sweating occurs at night, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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Author: alex

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