An ingredient that will make pancakes “airy”

Not everyone likes thin pancakes. Most gourmets prefer a dish that turns out lush, tender, airy and “with holes”.


It is not difficult to prepare such a dish. To do this, simply add yeast to the dough.

However, using this ingredient forces the cook to spend a lot of time: you have to wait for the dough to rise.

But if the goal is to quickly prepare airy pancakes, it is advisable to replace the yeast component with another.

What to mix milk with

The pancakes will definitely not turn out thin if you cook them with milk mixed with mineral water. The ratio of liquids should be equal: for one liter of dairy drink – the same liter of mineral water.

The dough will rise due to the carbonated water. The pancakes will turn out much fluffier and softer.

Another recommendation

If a gourmet wants to prepare not only airy, but also tender pancakes, then you should also pay attention to the egg component.

Usually, cooks put a couple of eggs in the pancake batter, without even thinking about the correct ratio of proteins and yolks. After all, it is desirable that the yolks prevail. The fact is that they are what provide tenderness to the dish.

If the cook adds two whole raw eggs to the pancake batter, then it is worth putting a couple more yolks.

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Author: alex

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