As Chinese housewives cook frozen dumplings to get a delicious dish


In Chinese culture, dumplings occupy a special place, so any housewife knows how to prepare a perfect dish. It is not always possible to pamper the family with a freshly prepared dish, so frozen dumplings are in progress. It is the Chinese who know how to bring even a storefront to perfection. What are the tricks in this. Because of this, the dough is tasteless and the meat does not have time to boil evenly. It helps to prepare a decent dish. >

However, this does not improve the taste of the semi -finished product. At this point, it is necessary to send dumplings to the pan. Once the liquid boils after the dumplings are sent, it is necessary to gently pour another glass of water.

after boiling the trick should be repeated again. After the second glass of water, dumplings are boiled for another 60 seconds.

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Author: alex

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