Astrologer reveals which diet is suitable for different zodiac signs
Gluten-free, protein or keto – there are many diets today. Professional astrologer Inna Lyubimova tells why the astro diet is much more effective and what dishes should be included in the diet of representatives of each of the zodiac signs. Unfortunately, popular diets most often exclude from the diet those dishes that are vital for some signs. Everyone who wants to lose weight should follow individual recommendations, but representatives of each constellation have some similar points.
Aries can boast of the inexhaustible energy that Mars gives them. But even such active individuals need a recharge. It is important for Aries that their diet contains a lot of protein, so try to eat something meaty every day (except lamb). You should be more careful with spicy spices and coffee. You don't need to fuel your nervous system with energy drinks again.
Taurus is under the auspices of Venus and from an early age develops a wonderful taste. They are real gourmets who will never refuse exquisite dishes. It is difficult for representatives of this sign to limit themselves in sweets and flour products, but it is still worth developing willpower. Replace sweets and cakes with fruits and healthy treats, and also try to spend more time outdoors.
The moon affects not only the mood of Cancers, but also their well-being. The stomach is the weakest point of the representatives of the sign, so you should carefully monitor your diet. Exclude everything fatty, harmful and sweet. Your refrigerator should contain only healthy and fresh products, mainly vegetables and seafood.
Leos will benefit from daily meals, and each dish should be “royal” and majestic. This is because the patron saint of this sign is the Sun. It is difficult for representatives of the fire element to adhere to a vegetarian diet. They are recommended to include meat in their menu, especially duck and rabbit. If Leo’s diet does not contain enough protein, he will experience chronic fatigue. Using the natal chart of the “king of beasts”, you can also choose vegan dishes that will improve his physical condition.
Virgos need a regimen to feel good. Representatives of this sign need to stick to a limited diet and not have a cheat meal on the weekends. The diet should be varied with the presence of dairy products, cereals and fruits. Another important point is that it is better to eat in a calm atmosphere and in a good mood.
Libra, like Taurus, is ruled by Venus. This air sign is crazy about beautifully presented dishes and cannot resist desserts. However, the stars do not recommend overindulging in sweets. To maintain a beautiful figure, include dietary meat, fish and cheese in your diet. You should also give up coffee, soda and tea with sugar. Replace them with plain mineral water.
Passionate and sensual Scorpios should not rely on spicy food. Your main course should be meat and seafood. Clear the refrigerator of semi-finished products – your patron Pluto does not recognize ready-made food and fast food, so such food can harm your health.
Sagittarius' patron planet is Jupiter. He loves to try everything new and unfamiliar. Representatives of this sign are always drawn to taste exotic dishes, but you should not constantly eat delicacies. Carefully monitor the size of portions – overeating will not lead to anything good. Replace sweet and flour dishes with berries, blueberries and cranberries will be especially useful for you.
Capricorns are conservatives by nature. Saturn endowed them with these qualities. Representatives of the earth element can eat the same dishes for months. However, to maintain their health, they need a varied diet. You should not sit on one buckwheat, be sure to add meat dishes to the menu and drink more fluids.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, a planet that values creativity and unconventional thinking. Aquarians are among those people who improvise in the kitchen and combine the incompatible. Despite their love of experiments, the stars recommend following a proper diet. The menu of Aquarius should include diet meat (turkey and rabbit), as well as fish and cereals.
In a fit of inspiration, Pisces can earn and forget about lunch. Unfortunately, frequent skipping meals can negatively affect the health of an aquatic inhabitant. Make it a habit to eat strictly according to the schedule, then you will not be afraid of extra pounds. Diversify your menu with seafood and seaweed, and completely eliminate carbonated drinks.
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