Better not to touch them: four signs of the Zodiac that become scary in anger
Some representatives of the zodiac signs can pretend that everything is fine with them when they are offended, then as others do not hesitate to express their anger, and in such cases it is better to keep a little distance from them.
This is written by Collective World.
Aries are always straightforward in expressing their opinions. They will not allow a superior attitude and are not afraid of conflicts, because they value themselves. If someone hurts their feelings, Aries will say it directly, without trying to maintain a pleasant relationship. They believe that if they do not protect themselves, no one else will.
In addition, Aries expect fair treatment and, if it does not happen, are ready to show their anger.
Scorpios, like their symbol – the scorpion, will “pity” if they feel threatened, irritated or betrayed. They do not tolerate lies and manipulation and, despite their apparent insecurity, they are aware of their value and will not tolerate disrespect.
Scorpios may even plan revenge to show the offender how wrong he was.
Taurus can seem soft until they are offended. They are not looking for drama, but they need respect. Giving them a reason to feel vulnerable will make them more cautious.
Taurus are very stubborn, and if they lose their trust in you, it could be lost forever. After that, they can completely eliminate the abuser from their lives.
Gemini are honest and open, so if they are wronged, they will express their emotions. They will talk about how you touched them and how it affected them. If an explanation or an apology is not enough, they can leave, because Geminis have many other interesting people in their lives.
If the relationship does not bring satisfaction, they are ready to break up, because they believe that the offender cannot be trusted.
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