Canned vegetables can be both harmful and beneficial
Doctor: sometimes canned vegetables are no less useful for health than fresh.
The doctor reminded in the interview that home-preserved products should not be present in the daily diet. Such food contains too many components that have a negative effect on blood vessels, the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and the work of digestion. health,” informed the doctor.
The expert specified that excess salt leads to water retention, edema, and increased load on the kidneys. Kidneys, the doctor emphasized, can be especially seriously affected due to the frequent appearance of preparations and pickles on the table. By consuming a lot of canned food, even vegetable ones, a person risks a violation of metabolic processes, due to which the salts that are carried out will settle in the kidneys, provoking the appearance of urolithiasis.
In addition, a passion for canned vegetables contributes to the development of hypertension, because a large amount of salt in them deteriorates the quality of vascular tissue, disrupts the normal functioning of blood vessels.
“Marinades with vinegar or citric acid in canned foods lead to aggravation of digestive problems,” the doctor added.
At the same time, canned vegetables can be useful. The doctor said that this cooking method increases the content of the antioxidant substance lycopene in vegetables.
“Canned tomatoes are more useful than fresh ones – they have more lycopene, which helps restore vessels and arteries damaged by cardiovascular diseases, splits fats, increases the life of bone tissue cells and prevents the development of oncological diseases”.
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