Cardiologist lists foods that are good for the heart
In order for the heart to function adequately, several products that are beneficial for it should be included in the diet. This statement was made by cardiologist Elizabeth Klodas.
As Elizabeth Klodas noted, healthy fats are beneficial for the heart. The cardiologist cited fish as an example. Thanks to this product, you can lower blood pressure and increase the level of so-called “good” cholesterol in the blood, while the number of triglycerides will decrease. That is, the development of dangerous heart and vascular diseases is largely related to what we eat, the doctor noted in an interview with Eatthis.com.
It is also necessary to include oranges, tomatoes and berries in the diet, as they contain antioxidants that are important for the human brain. As for desserts and drinks, green tea and dark chocolate will be beneficial.
As Elizabeth Klodas added, another important element of proper nutrition is fiber, which can be obtained from vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Stress negatively affects the activity of the heart, so it should be minimized. In addition, you need to engage in physical activity.
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